Generalized LDPC/Tanner Codes


Tanner_code(EVI::SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}, C::AbstractLinearCode)

Return the Tanner code obtained by applying the local code C to the edges of the graph with edge-vertex incidence matrix EVI.

Tanner_code(G::SimpleGraph{Int}, C::AbstractLinearCode)

Return the Tanner code obtained by applying the local code C to the edges of G.

Tanner_code(G::SimpleGraph{Int}, left::Vector{Int}, right::Vector{Int}, C::AbstractLinearCode)

Return the Tanner code obtained by applying the local code C to the vertices right in the bipartition of G and treating the vertices of left as bits.

Tanner_code(G::SimpleGraph{Int}, left::Vector{Int}, right1::Vector{Int}, right2::Vector{Int}, C1::AbstractLinearCode, C2::AbstractLinearCode)

Return the Tanner code obtained by applying the local code C1 to the vertices right1 and the local code C2 to the vertices right2 in the bipartition of G and treating the vertices of left as bits.
