• char_vec: a length 2n vector with elements in the Z/(2p) if chracteristic(field(C1)) is 2 and Z/(p) otherwise. The first n elements specify the exponents of the X phases and second n the exponents of the Z phases; a missing argument will be set to the all-zero vector


  • A +1 phase should be entered as 0 since the character vector stores the exponents.
  • Stabilizer signs are automatically computed given the character vector.
  • The orthogonality of the stabilizers are automatically checked and will error upon failure.

assumed to be in symplectic form over the base field.

  • This is intended to be a simple function wrapper for typeof(S) since the

constructor for SubsystemCode automatically returns a SubsystemCodeCSS if possible. Manually changing the elements of the struct S without using the helper functions provided here is therefore not recommended.

Stabilizer Codes

Subsystem Codes

Graph States